US$ 699.99
Posted 7 years ago 2017-12-01#1
Just ordered my second x eagle, the first one dropped like a rock
It appears no one repairs them and warranty isn't very good if they can't be fixed.
I'm stupid but I'm going to try one more before I fly over there and confront them personally.
Posted 7 years ago 2017-12-01#1
Quote :Posted an hour ago
Just ordered my second x eagle, the first one dropped like a rock
It appears no one repairs them and warranty isn't very good if they can't be fixed.
I'm stupid but I'm going to try one more before I fly over there and confront them personally.
Hello,dear friend. You can take a video or photos about the problem of the product and send an email to for a the email you need to tell us what's wrong with the problem and don't forget to provide us the link of the video. Thanks a lot.