Posted 6 years ago 2019-01-07#543
Quote :Posted 14 minutes ago
Si possono avere solo di un colore ? se si quali colori sono disponibili? Grazie.H4706
Caro BarryLee,
7 colori vengono miscelati visualizzati automaticamente quando scorre l'acqua.
I colori principali sono Verde, Rosso e Blu.
Per ulteriori informazioni, si prega di controllare i dettagli tramite questo link:
Posted 6 years ago 2019-01-07#544
Quote :Posted 17 minutes ago
Hallo, over two months ago I bought a item at your shop, and I still waiting for delivery. Could you check this? Or send me the tracking numbers? The orders numbers: AA18K03H0241-KH9P13Order date: 2018-11-03 08:02:4
Dear BarryLee,
Can you contact the local post office with your full name and tracking number # UC620761696MY ?
Because in many cases, the parcel has already arrived, but the logistics information is delayed to update.
Posted 6 years ago 2019-01-08#547
Tracking Number: | 5600003500002496 |
Posted 6 years ago 2019-01-08#549
Quote :Posted 34 minutes ago
Wifi for FPV is 2,4 or 5 Ghz?RM10386-2
Dear apaTaick,
It is 2.4 Ghz
For more information, please check details via this link:
Posted 6 years ago 2019-01-08#550
Quote :Posted 32 minutes ago
Hello...My order didn't even shipped out off China.... and on the tracking nover I cant finde it... Can someone or somebody explain me this or send me som feedback...
Hello ThomasSkino,
Please check updates via this link:
Here is the latest tracking information:
2018-12-25 14:23
CINA, In lavorazione presso il Centro Scambi Internazionale
2018-12-24 01:41
CINA, Presa in carico all'estero
Because the international shipping would take longer time. Please wait patiently. We sincerely hope that you can receive it asap.