Posted 6 years ago 2018-11-28#491
Quote :Posted 12 minutes ago
Dzień dobry zakupiłem elektrycznego papierosa zajenczkowski i chciałbym się dowiedzieć kiedy go dostanę zamówiłem 15 listopada do dnia dzisiejszego nie dostałem żadnej informacji
Drodzy Yentsai,
Sprawdź aktualizacje za pomocą tego linku:
Oto najnowsze informacje o śledzeniu:
2018-11-27 12:40
Pakiet w transporcie
2018-11-27 12:35
WER Warszawa, Zaakceptowany w Polsce
Ponieważ wysyłka międzynarodowa zajęłaby więcej czasu. Proszę cierpliwie czekać. Mamy szczerą nadzieję, że możesz
odbieraj to jak najszybciej.
Jeśli wszystko pójdzie dobrze, otrzymasz przedmiot w ciągu 15-25 dni roboczych.
Posted 6 years ago 2018-11-29#494
Quote :Posted 23 minutes ago
I ordered a reusable straw (Order No. BA18J03S4141-WQMMU5) through TomTop on October 3rd (about 60 days ago) and never received it. Do you have any info on this order?
Dear hersve,
Can you contact the local post office with your full name and tracking number #SJSUS0000981650YQ ?
Because in many cases, the parcel has already arrived, but the logistics information is delayed to update.
Posted 6 years ago 2018-11-29#495
Quote :Posted 37 minutes ago
You know where is my command No.BA18K07W4536-5NT6EY
Dear Juankar,
Please check updates via this link:
Here is the latest tracking information:
2018-11-27 15:54
Leave "Shenzhen Center", Next stop "Shenzhen Center"
2018-11-27 15:49
Arrive at "Shenzhen Center"
Because the international shipping would take longer time. Please wait patiently. We sincerely hope that you can receive it asap.
Posted 6 years ago 2018-11-30#498
Quote :Posted 37 minutes ago
Hi my name is Lee and I purchased a Rowin ws-20 2.4G wireless rechargeable Electric Guitar transmitter Receiver set on 11/15/18 and did not get a confirmation and I have not seen the product yet.BA18K15V5407-7FZR3V
Hello Michale,
Please check updates via this link :
Here are the latest updates:
2018-11-29 16:13
ISC SAN FRANCISCO (USPS), Processed Through Facility -> Your item has been processed through our facility in ISC SAN FRANCISCO (USPS) at 4:13 pm on November 29, 2018.
2018-11-21 22:44
CHINA, SHENZHEN EMS, Processed Through Facility
Because the international shipping would take longer time. Please wait patiently. We sincerely hope that you can receive it asap.
Posted 6 years ago 2018-11-30#499
Quote :Posted 37 minutes ago
The order is cancellation pleace refund my money in my card pleaseBA18K29I4044-XVH0SD
Dear AndrewLi,
We've paused your order in our system. Could you please tell us exact reason you need cancel this order ?
And then we will give you a proper solution.